Round Table English

With Kelvin

Привет! Меня зовут Келвин.

Things I can do

Teaching English

Уже 18 лет я преподаю английский язык на различных уровнях: от начального до продвинутого.

Website Design

Я могу создавать сайты с нуля и пройти весь процесс дизайна, хостинга и регистрации домена. Работаю с Tilda, WordPress и Figma

Graphic Design

Я могу создавать дизайн-проекты, изображения и художественные работы с помощью Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.

Building an Electric Scooter

Во время пандемии ковида я собрал электросамокат и освоил навыки сварки, пайки и электропроводки.

Round Table English Library

Коллекция широкого спектра ресурсов для изучения английского языка, которые могут помочь вам в учебе.

Sample Video Lessons


An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.

Service 1

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.

Lorem ipsum elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus. Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut.

Service 2

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.

Lorem ipsum elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus. Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut.

Service 3

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.

Lorem ipsum elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus. Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut.